Adult Protective Services Professionals, Learners | SumTotal
Requesting a New Academy LMS Account with Access to APSWI Trainings
Purpose: This article will guide Adult Protective Services (APS) Professionals through the approval process for obtaining a new Academy Learning Management System (LMS) account to access Adult Protective Services Workforce Innovation (APSWI) training.
To access or update your existing APS account, please submit a ticket to the Academy LMS
If you are a Behavioral Health Service professional, please follow the guide on our knowledge base: Getting started with your Behavioral Health LMS Account
Navigate to the Academy LMS Sign In page, go to:
Select ”Create Your Own Account” to open the Account Creation form and enter your account information.
User Name - Enter your work email address as your User Name
Work Email - Enter your work email address (again) as your Work Email
First Name - Enter your first name
Last Name - Enter your last name
Password - Enter a password that meets the following conditions:
Must contain at least 5 characters
No spaces
No personal information (e.g., first/last name, username, employee ID, Social Security number)
The only special characters allowed are ! , @ * # %
Confirm Password - Enter the password again
Time Zone - Select the timezone for your location
Company Name - Enter the name of the company or program that you work for (if applicable)
Position - Enter your position title or category
ex lineworker, manager, supervisor, etc
City and State - Enter your location city and state
Notes - Enter the name of your County that you work for (if applicable)
Supervisor’s Email Address and Supervisor’s Name - Enter your direct supervisor’s email address and full name
Click SAVE to submit your information and wait to be redirected back to the Sign In page to view your confirmation.
The message displayed at the top of the sign in page will confirm, “Your new account is pending approval. You will receive an email when it has been processed.” If your account is approved, you will receive instructions via email on how to log into your new account within 1 business day. If more information is needed for your account, an Academy Staff member will reach out via email.
Academy Help Center: Submit tickets for LMS account support and receive technical assistance within the LMS
Academy LMS: The Academy’s LMS, where Adult Protective Services Workforce Innovations APSWI eLearnings can be accessed