CACWT: Delivery Information

CACWT: Delivery Information


Delivery Information 

Locating your service delivery on CACWT:

  1. Log in to CACWT:

  2. Change your role from Learner to Instructor

  3. Click Go to LMS on the left panel

  4. On the left panel Click Courses

  1. Scroll through the classes or use the search bar.

    1. Naming conventions 

      1. Each class has the date in the title. Using the example above, 011123 took place on January 11, 2023. 

      2. {SB 011023} = the county acronym + cohort start date for a series 

  2. Once you find the class you are looking for, click on the title and you will be on the Course Content Page. 

**Please note, classes are built on CACWT typically a month before the event. If you do not see the class on your page within three weeks of the event, please submit a ticket through the Academy for Professional Excellence Help Center.

Navigating the Course Content Page: 

  1. On the Course Content Page, you can access the materials for service providers and learners by expanding the corresponding folders. 

  2. The Zoom link can be accessed from this page as well, for virtual deliveries. 

  3. The top left corner should list the TOA name, click See More…

    1. If no Training Assistant is listed yet, there has yet to be one assigned. Check Access Planit for the most up to date information on this. 

  4. Need Assistance will take you to CACWT’s help desk

  5. To see how many learners are enrolled, click on Roster

Roster Details:

    1. Click on All Course Members on the right side

    2. The drop down list will show you how many Instructors, Students, and Support Staff are in the class. 

      1. Please note: this count includes learners that have been dropped already and previous service providers associated with the class

        1. Learners that have been dropped will be grayed out on the list

    3. To find the email address of your TOA, please click on their name in the roster and their email will show up on the right side

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