CACWT County Admin
Log-in to CACWT
Click Learners on the left panel
Confirm the learner does not have an existing account (with another county, another email, etc)
If you find an account with the same name as your learner, confirm that profile is for your worker (there are instances where people share names across/ within counties)
If confirmed that the existing account is an existing profile for the same person, update the information
For a username change, submit a ticket to the Help Center
If they do not have an account, click Add Learner on the left panel
Fill out the fields to create the account
Required Fields
First Name
Last Name
Email = County email address (must be unique)
Affiliation = County
RTA Job Title = Social Worker
RTA Job Code = CWDS-SW
Date of Hire
Employee Type = County
Selecting if they are a Training Manager or Supervisor
Setting a Temporary Password = Changeme1!
Click Save
The learner will automatically receive an email that their account was created with their temporary password to login.
Download a .CSV copy of the import template
Fill out all of the columns in yellow with the relevant information
User ID: learner’s county email address (for LA county, it will be their Employee ID, example: E123456)
LastName: learner’s last name
FirstName: learner’s first name
Email: learner’s county email address
Password: Changeme1!
Status: Active (referring to their account status)
Affiliation: County
Riverside County
Imperial County
San Bernardino County
San Diego County
Orange County
LADCFS (Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services)
Ventura County
OrganizationName: Leave Blank
EmployeeType: County
RTADepartment: Leave Blank
RTAJobTitle: Social Worker
AreaOfAssignment: Leave Blank
DateHire: Learner’s hire date
DateTransfer: Leave Blank
UserLevel: Leave Blank
AssocLMSID: Leave Blank
Once these elements have been been filled out for all learners, save your file
Navigate back to CACWT
Click Learners > Import CSV on the left panel
Click Browse and locate the file on your computer
Click Preview to see what your import file will look like
Click Browse and locate the file on your computer
Click Upload to import the new accounts
You will receive an email with the import log to see if your import was successful
Submit a ticket to the Help Center for any support