County CACWT Admin
The purpose of this guide is to give direction to changing a learners username in CACWT, data elements to observe before changing the username and communication that is needed to the user.
Before updating a username in Genius, it’s important to look over the learner’s profile to verify that the account information is correct, if the learner has any active enrollments, and if the learner is currently participating in a Common Core cohort.
Depending on the source of the request, username changes can require a fair amount of research or can be more explicit.
Email Address Field - If the request comes from a County CACWT admin, they have permission to change email addresses in the system and will change this field
Review the username field against the email address, if they are different then confirm with the County CACWT admin that this is the same person before proceeding
First/Last Name
Although the username/email address fields are unique, the first/last names are not. You may come across an instance where multiple records come up when looking to do a username change. It’s important to use the learner’s email address for searching, as this is unique in the system.
If a learner currently has any active enrollments when viewing their profile, you will need to follow some additional steps before changing their username. When a username is changed it breaks any existing active enrollments and the learner needs to be re-enrolled
When a learner is enrolled into Common Core, it may be better to wait until the core is over before changing their username due to the amount of courses that need to be adjusted. In these cases, seek guidance from the LMS Administration Supervisor about how to proceed as this is situational.
In the case that the username change will be held until the end of Core, follow the steps below:
Update the Zoho ticket to On Hold and set the due date for the day after Core ends
Update the Learner’s email address so that communications go to the new email address
Communicate to the learner that they will need to login with their current username until the end of core, that we will update their account once core has finished as to not impact their learning. Additionally, letting them know we will keep their ticket open until we change their username
Once Core is finished, proceed to the Updating a Username with No Active Enrollments section on this guide
Login to CACWT and make sure you are in the Affiliation profile
Navigate to Administration on left menu panel and select Update Users
Using the Username found on the learner’s profile (under the Username field), search on the Name/Email/Login/Phone field on this page and then click Get Data
You should only see a single entry on this page as usernames are unique
Click on the pencil icon to the left of their username (labeled Login) and change the User Name and Email fields to the new username
Click Save
Navigate to the learner’s profile using the updated username
Navigate to Edit and update the notes on the profile to indicate a username change was completed, adding in the previous username in the notes as well as indicating that no active enrollments were present when matching the change.
Additionally, check their profile to make sure the email address matches the updated username. These should always match.
Their BB profile is automatically created once they are enrolled into a class.
Navigate to Blackboard
Under the admin panel -> Users, search for the learner by the previous email as well as first/last name
At this step you are verifying that the learner only has 1 Blackboard profile
If they have multiple profiles, please notify the LMS Administration Supervisor for next steps
Login to CACWT and make sure you are in the Affiliation profile
Navigate to the Learners module and find the learner you want to update using the username field
On the learner’s profile, navigate to the Active Enrollments tab and export the table into Excel
This is helpful to reference as you will need to re-enroll the learner into these courses
Select all Active Enrollments and select Bulk Edit, then change the Status field to Withdrawn and add a note into the comment field that these enrollments were changed due to a username change and leave your initials/date
Ex Withdrawn due to Username Change - JS 09-25-24
Navigate to Administration on left menu panel and select Update Users
Using the Username found on the learner’s profile (under the Username field), search on the Name/Email/Login/Phone field on this page and then click Get Data
You should only see a single entry on this page as usernames are unique
Click on the pencil icon to the left of their username (labeled Login) and change the User Name and Email fields to the new username
Click Save
Navigate to the learner’s profile using the updated username
Navigate to Edit and update the notes on the profile to indicate a username change was completed, adding in the previous username in the notes as well as indicating that enrolments were re-added
Additionally, check their profile to make sure the email address matches the updated username. These should always match.
Navigate to Blackboard
Under the admin panel -> Users, search for the learner by the previous email as well as first/last name
At this step you are verifying that the learner only has 1 Blackboard profile
If they have multiple profiles, please notify the LMS Administration Supervisor for next steps
Next, you will re-enroll the learner into the courses you previously withdrew them from
Next, you will need to re-enroll the learner into their active enrollments
Navigate to Reinstate in Section on the learner’s profile
This grid will show all sections a learner recorded an end status in (Completed, cancelled, withdrawn, absent)
Select the check-box next to all activities the learner was previously enrolled into(reference the extract you created from their active enrollments), and click the Reinstate button at the bottom of the page
The learner will not receive an email confirmation for the courses they are re-enrolled into