CACWT: LIA 18 Participant Navigation Guide

CACWT: LIA 18 Participant Navigation Guide

LIA 18 Participants | CACWT

CACWT Navigation Guide

Purpose: To show LIA participants how to navigate CACWT for their training series. CACWT is being used as a
communication tool, a place to share resources, and will be where to access the end of topic evaluation links. 


  1. Login to CACWT:

    1. When you log in, you will be on your learner dashboard. 

  1. In the middle panel, locate the topic for the day

    1. If you are accessing the LIA page outside of the classroom, you can click on any topic. 

  2. Click on the Name of the Topic

  3. This will launch a new page that has the details of that specific topic

  1. Once on that page, click on the link on the Course Content page that says LIA 18 Organization .

  2. The LIA 18 Organization page is the homepage for all LIA 18 CACWT Resources and Communications, including:

    1. A digital journal

    2. Discussion Boards for questions, conversations, participant assignments.

    3. Evaluations 

LIA 18 CACWT Check-In (First Login Only)

  1. Upon your first login to CACWT, complete the LIA 18 CACWT Check-In assignment so the LIA team knows you were able to successfully access CACWT.

    1. To do so, click on the LIA 18 CACWT Check-in Assignment

    2. A side page will open, with a button on the bottom of the side page that says Start Attempt. Click that button.

    3. A new page will appear and ask you a question. Type in your response to the question

    4. Click Submit in the bottom right corner once done

    5. Click Close on the pop up, there is no need to download your submission.

  2. Once you completed the assignment, take a look at the page, click into the different resources listed and open up a discussion board.

Participating in Discussion Boards

  1. Locate the Discussion Board you would like to contribute to

    1. All Discussion Boards have the icon:

  2. Click on the title of the discussion board

  3. Under the responses section

    1. Read and reply to any existing responses

    2. If ready to post your own response, click into the box that says: Type a Response

  4. In the text box, type your response and click the Respond Button when you are ready to post. 

  5. Back on the main page, you will see that a discussion board has unread responses as there will be a blue messages icon next to the discussion topic title


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