Access Planit: Navigating Courses

Access Planit: Navigating Courses

Access Planit:

Navigating Courses

Courses: This module will show you all of the workforce development courses that you are assigned to and any additional services entries that have been submitted on your behalf.

  1. On the left side panel, click on Courses 

  2. To customize the information shown in the grid, click on the Change Columns button, on the right side. 

    1. The recommended column configuration for Service Providers is in the screenshot below.

    2. To change the data shown in each column, click on each box under DataGrid Columns and select the item you would like. 

    3. To add a column, click on the Plus Sign to the right

    4. To remove a column, click on the Minus Sign to the right

    5. To rearrange the order of the columns, drag the double sided vertical arrow on the far right.

    6. Once you are done, click Apply

  1. With the above column configuration, your workforce development courses will look like the screenie below. 

Tip: you can click on any column header to sort your workforce development courses by that topic

    1. This screenie is sorted by Start Date

    2. Click on the header multiple time to switch between ascending and descending sort order

  1. What do each of those headers mean?

    1. Training Provider = CWDS, Tribal STAR, Probation, Academy for Professional Excellence (APEX), etc.

    2. Label = name of the course or type of additional services entry

    3. Start Date = start time and first date of course

    4. End Date = end time and end date of course

    5. Venue = Location

    6. Trainer Names = Your name, co-facilitator(s) (if applicable), and the name of your Training Host (TH) or Training Operations Assistant (TOA)

      1. Please note: If only your name is there, a TH/ TOA has not been assigned yet. Once they are assigned, their name will appear there. 

    7. ID = unique number for referencing courses in Access Planit. Share this number when submitting Zoho tickets regarding specific courses.

  2. Creating an Upcoming Courses Filter

    1. To filter through your courses list, you can create filters based on different rule sets. 

    2. Below is how to create one that will only show courses happening in the future. Feel free to explore this feature and create whatever filters you would like!

    3. On the right side, above the Change Columns button, is a button that says Filters. Click on it and click Create Filter.

    4. Match your page to the screenie below:

Click Save. The filter will appear in the bar above. It is dark blue when active and gray when turned off. To turn the filter on and off, simply click on it.

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